
Our approach to learning is guided by an emergent curriculum that is inspired by Reggio Emilia. Reggio-inspired learning is an adaptation of an early education philosophy originating out of Italy by the great Loris Malaguzzi. In our efforts to be “Reggio Inspired” we’ve adopted the core values and beliefs of this approach which are:

Image of the Child
Children are viewed as competent, curious, protagonist in their own learning. They act as natural researchers who construct their own knowledge while building upon their current knowledge. Children come to own newfound understanding and knowledge when it is integrated into their daily experiences and interactions.

Role of the Teacher
Teachers are responsive to the interests of the children, freeing them to construct knowledge together. Teachers guide the child’s learning through nurturing their curiosity, providing a hypothesis, and assist with solving problems. Teachers act as co-investigators in the learning process by listening to the children’s insights, interactions and structuring that week’s curriculum accordingly.

Role of the Environment
The environment is intentionally referred as the “third teacher” which plays a central role in the process of making learning meaningful. The environment is flexible and responsive to the needs of the children seeing it as the basis for more complex learning.

Parents as Partners
Families are invited to take an active role in contributing  to the process of discovery and learning. We recognize that parents are their child’s first teacher so our goal is to build a relationship that will foster that process. We view our “parents as partners” because we know that is the ultimate way to support the development of the child.

100 Languages of the Child
Children discover, think, communicate and learn in different ways. LOUUC fosters the process of learning in different forms of expression and provides children with many opportunities to work through their ideas. Children are also encouraged to depict their understanding of the world and their ideas through various representations such as drawings, sculpting, dramatic play, writing and painting.

Documentation highlights the child’s work(play) by examining their intentions during and after times of play. Significant space and time is sanctioned for free exploration so that educators can observe where the class should be heading next. This process also allows teachers to develop lesson plans that are both child centered and individualized.

Behaviors and Emotions
At LOUUC we utilize an emotionally responsive approach to redirecting behaviors. We recognize that children have strong feelings and emotions that need to be validated and properly addressed. Our focus is to affirm the child’s feelings, set realistic limits, so that children can learn how to manage emotions appropriately. If necessary, LOUCC will collaboratively create a behavior plan with parents to support this process.